Diverse Companies with Specialized Areas of Expertise
Teikoku Pharma USA, Inc
The overseas expansion base, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, boasts extensive expertise in global drug development and a proven track record of approval.
TPU possesses transdermal formulation expertise, and a highly experienced clinical and regulatory team. Moreover, in collaboration with our worldwide partners, TPU distributes products to key markets globally. Mirroring Teikoku Seiyaku’s reputation, TPU excels not only in topical external preparations such as hydrogels, tapes, and ointments but also in systemic transdermal patches, solidifying its position as industry experts.
1718 Ringwood Avenue, San Jose, CA95131 USA
TEL +1-408-501-1800
FAX +1-408-501-1900
Teikoku Pharmacare Co., Ltd.
Responsible for domestic marketing of non-prescription medicines, cosmetics, and other products.
Teikoku Pharmacare was established in 1995 through the merger of Teikoku Seiyaku’s non-prescription drug division and Teikoku Medix’s OTC division. Teikoku Pharmacare provides extensive services to pharmacies, drugstores, and judo therapists through sales activities of its own products as well as products for chain stores, and products for the judo therapy market.
567 Sanbonmatsu, Higashikagawa,
Kagawa 769-2601 Japan
TEL +81-879-25-7771
FAX +81-879-24-1611
Tokyo Office
〒6-6 Nihonbashi-kobunacho,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0024 Japan
TEL +81-3-3664-2221
FAX +81-3-3664-3330
Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku Co., Ltd.
Responsible for the manufacture and sale of Chinese herbal extracts.
Teikoku Kampo Seiyaku was established in 1985 as the kampo drug manufacturing division of Teikoku Seiyaku.
The laboratory is located in Awa City, Tokushima Prefecture, and currently collects and responds to information on side effects and quality of distributed products.
636-1 Minato, Higashikagawa,
Kagawa 769-2701 Japan
TEL +81-879-25-2221
FAX +81-879-24-1555
Tokushima Plant
80-11 Kitabara, Donari, Donari-cho, Awa,
Tokushima 771-1506 Japan
TEL +81-88-695-5113
FAX +81-88-695-5110
Seren Pharmaceuticals Inc.
SEREN is an expert group that speedily develops drug candidates which are experiencing drug time lag and which meet the medical requirements of patients.
SEREN was established in 2010 as a clinical development specialized pharmaceutical company. SEREN searches for new drug candidates that have been validated for efficacy and safety, but that have not been developed despite established medical needs. SEREN obtains rights which are for development, manufacturing and marketing of these candidates from the licensors. It proceeds with their development efficiently in a short period of time and promptly commercializes them.
EREN will continue to respond to unmet medical needs and promote the acquisition and early development of drugs that are desired to be developed.
Head Office
Nihonbashi DOLL-1 Bldg. 1-2-13 Nihonbashi-ningyocho 1-Chome,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0013 Japan
TEL +81-3-5244-9343
FAX +81-3-5244-9344